AuthorXavier Carpent; Karim Eldefrawy; Norrathep Rattanavipanon; Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi; Gene Tsudik
DateJuly 2018
San Francisco, USA
Research AreasCROSSING, Solutions: S2, ICRI-SC, System Security Lab, CYSEC
Abstract Remote attestation (RA) is a means of malware detection, typically realized as an interaction between a trusted verifier and a potentially compromised remote device (prover). RA is especially relevant for low-end embedded devices that are incapable of protecting themselves against malware infection. Most current RA techniques require on-demand and uninterruptible (atomic) operation. The former fails to detect transient malware that enters and leaves between successive RA instances; the latter involves performing potentially time-consuming computation over prover’s memory and/or storage, which can be harmful to the device’s safety-critical functionality and general availability. However, relaxing either on-demand or atomic RA operation is tricky and prone to vulnerabilities. This paper identifies some issues that arise in reconciling requirements of safety-critical operation with those of secure remote attestation, including detection of transient and self-relocating malware. It also investigates mitigation techniques, including periodic selfmeasurements as well as interruptible attestation modality that involves shuffled memory traversals and various memory locking mechanisms.

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